Sunday, February 10, 2019

Dyslexia :: essays papers

DyslexiaThe problem that effects one out of every(prenominal) ten kidsin the United States of America is dyslexia. Although to some hoi polloi this derange may be very noticeable, it preserve really sneak up on you. Most ofthe time kids with dyslexia argonnt recognized until they are about 8or order. The most important thing to remember is that is takes time tosolve, and sometimes cannot be corned at all. Dyslexia develops during thefirst six months of gestation . Neurons are churned out in the brainsventricular zone. Attached to fibers, the neurons travel to the cerebralcortex, which contains the phrase centers. Here they hit a obstruction,stop and take their place in layers above previously deposited neurons,(which is normal). In the brains of dyslexics, how-ever, there arebreaches in the bar and the neurons enter them, leaving clumps ofnerve cells called ectopias, which appear to interface with the brainsability to set about and transmit certain messages. They a re now findingthat dyslexia can hold on in the family. If you or your other relatives havedyslexia that means that there is a chance that your own child could haveit. Unlike what most people think, dyslexia is not to be blamed on theparent for negligence in teaching reading and writing. Dyslexia is notany ones fault it simply occurs when the barrier in the language center ofyou brain cracks. In some experiments do by the University of Montreal,they are comparing good self-aggrandising readers to dyslexic adult readers. In mostcases the adult dyslexics were at about the high schoolhouse level. When theadult dyslexics were compared to third graders in matching sounds with garner, they scored below the eight and nine year olds that were tested. Its not just a visual problem, actually they can see the letters fine, itis more of a comparing problem. Dyslexics usually cannot good luck charm simplewords by just hearing someone direct them to them. Some of the mostconfusing wor ds for them are cat and dog. Although all over time the symptomscan be fine-tuned, they never go completely away. As said before dyslexiais not a disease it cannot be cured with any pill or medicine. The onlycure so outlying(prenominal) is many long and slow classes of multisensory sessions. Thesesessions go through each letter, sound, syllable, and so on until other partsof the brain help the person to recognize the letters in another helpfulway.

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